
Symbolism In A Rose For Emily

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Matthew Marler Ms. Faulk English 102 3 November 2016 Symbolism as a Rose William Faulkner's, "A Rose for Emily," is narrated by an anonymous character who tells the story of the town in a sequence of events. The story is based on what is going on in Miss Emily Grierson's life and how she deceives everyone in the town. There are many parts in the story that show symbolism in varieties of ways. Some of these symbols include Emily's house, her hair, her clothing, and even the "rose" that is brought in the story. Symbolism is shown throughout many different ways through all forms of literature.Literature can be displayed as the big theme or it could be displayed as a smaller theme in small parts of the story or the whole story. Symbolism …show more content…

A rose is most often used as a symbol for love in which case during this story Homer is the "rose" for Emily, or also known as the love for Emily. She was unable to accept the fact that Homer was gone, and she did not want to let go. By not wanting to let go, to fix this situation, she decided to keep Homer's body with her. Emily has not been one to be able to take what has happened in the past and adjust her life to this. With this said, by taking Homer's body with her and keeping it, she was taking what has happened in the past with her, and that was her way of coping with what had happened and making herself satisfied without being able to leave it in the past. The symbol of the rose is taken into the readers minds in different kinds of ways throughout the story, whether it be the form of "love" or the form of "secret" Homer was known to be Emily's …show more content…

She then too became an eyesore. She was once a "slender figure in white" (327) and later on became "bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water with eyes lost in the fatty ridges of her face" (326). When Miss Emily passed she was known as a fallen monument which could also mean that she was something beautiful and had then grown old over time and decayed. These types of changes also occurred in the south during the Civil War, connecting back the setting of this story taking place during the same time as the Civil

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