
Sydney Cove: Impact On The European And Aboriginal Community

Decent Essays

Disease at Sydney Cove


Disease was introduced to Sydney cove when the first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on the 24th of January 1788. The outbreak of disease had many effects on both European and Aboriginal communities. Whilst many of the effects from the event have lingered over to today’s communities in many ways.

Explain The Historical Event:

When the first arrived in Botany bay (Australia, New South Wales) on he 24th of January 1788, it is believed that they brought disease along with the. According to “” the Europeans brought over numerous epidemic diseases. Disease like Chickenpox, Smallpox, Typhoid, Measles and Influenza. These diseases caused many effects on both Aboriginal and European communities and people. As Aboriginals had never been exposed to such disease, they had no immunity against these epidemics. The Aboriginal people began to become real sick and die, as their …show more content…

Majority of Aboriginals were effected and according to “” more than 90% of Aboriginal people died due to the introduced disease by the Europeans. Majority of Aboriginal people effected were children, pregnant women and elders. This meant tribes and clans had no youth, no leader and no one to reproduce. The diseases that were introduced by the Europeans almost killed an entire race. As many Elder died, the traditions, stories, leadership and wisdom were lost and were not able to be passed onto the generation coming forth into their communities. Since many Aboriginals died it was hard for them to retaliate against the Europeans who came to colonize. Disease that was introduced to the Aboriginal people of Sydney effected Aboriginals

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