
Suspense In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

Decent Essays

Alfred Hitchcock uses many techniques throughout the film “Rear Window” to convey suspense. The major theme of the film regards L. B. “Jeff” Jefferies voyeurism. His intrigue in the everyday lives of his neighbours is viewed as intrusive and morally wrong on principle. However, without this voyeuristic tendency the crime committed by Thornwald would never have been solved. Thus, the audience is lead through emotional turmoil in questioning whether it is wrong to invade someone’s privacy, or just and heroic to solve a crime. We see the climax of the film when Lisa and Stella venture out of Jefferies apartment to investigate the murder of Mrs Thornwald. This leads to a confrontation between Thornwald and Jefferies. These scenes build suspense through the use of detachment, the use of ‘split-screen’, ‘red-herring’ plot devices, lighting, music and diegetic sound.
In Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” Jefferies apartment is the sole viewpoint to the outside world for the audience. We rarely see anything that isn’t from Jefferies immediate surroundings or directly from his point of view. This gives Jefferies, and in turn the viewers, a detached sense of realism from the world of the apartment complex opposite . This detachment is apparent to throughout the movie as many characters state to Jefferies that what he’s doing is morally wrong. However, the line of moral and immoral conduct is pushed as Jefferies continues to watch his neighbours and ultimately becomes directly involved in the

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