
Summary Of The Truth By Ross Gay

Decent Essays

The poem "The Truth" by Ross Gay was about the struggle of a man working at
Burger King. The man is 38 years old, works until 3 am unloading trucks, has a family to support. The man is trained at Burger King by the poet that at that time was 14 years old.
Throughout the poem the author doesn't tell anything to his trainee. The poet has many reasons for not telling him anything. One reason can be that the poet can see how the man is struggling to give a better future to his family. After reading the poem an issue I recognize was that this poem relates to my father.
According to the poem of, " The Truth" it states, " because at 7 he would walk to the furniture warehouse, unload trucks"( 4-6). The poet sees the struggle of the man because he uses the word because throughout the poem trying to question himself. Using the word because in the begin …show more content…

However, this quote relates to my father because he wakes up at 6 am to go to work, and sometimes doesn't come home until 9 pm. My father works really hard to support his family and give us a better future. For example, my dad immigrated to the United States at the age of 20 trying to look for a better life. To this day my father has given my siblings everything he can. I know it hasn't been easy for my dad coming to another country not knowing no one, but my father has overcome all the obstacles that he had to faced. For this reason, I recognize the struggle of a hardworking man such as my

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