
Summary: Is The Internet Dumbing Us Down

Decent Essays

Often times, the older generation gives the Internet a bad reputation. There are numerous articles claiming the Internet is generating a doltish society. Nicholas Carr is one of many writers who addresses the topic of our supposed intellectual decline entitled ‘Is the Internet Dumbing Us Down?’ According to Carr and multiple psychologists, the Internet can inhibit cognition. Because these people didn’t grow up with Internet, like the Millennials did, they fear the power of the World Wide Web. Like any great tool, if abused, the Internet can thwart progression. However, in this century, the Internet is an extremely popular and efficacious learning device. I cannot speak on anyone’s behalf but, the Internet was my first teacher, and it continues …show more content…

Similar to college, my private school did not provide free textbooks. Instead of spending almost $800 each year on textbooks, I utilized E-books-- the electronic version of a printed book. E-books are affordable and lightweight substitutes. During high school and college, the Internet saved me from spending thousands of dollars and experiencing occasional backache.
In 2002, my parents brought a bulky Windows 98 desktop Dell computer into the living room. I used two websites: PBS kids and Starfall—more interactive and exciting alternatives to my tedious summer work books. While my parents were busy, I sharpened my phonetic skills and gained an appreciation for reading. Consequently, I morphed into a sterling speller and a bookish first-grader. As the years advanced, I used the Internet—particularly Google, to assist with academic research and personal edification. The Internet has been of much avail, in my effort to mature into a well-rounded adult. Through YouTube, I’ve learned how to program computers, write Latin, care for my natural hair, and efficiently gain muscle in the gym. I even learned proper venipuncture technique to obtain Phlebotomy certification. I can conveniently acquire every skill from the comfort of my home, or from other locations, like the

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