
Success Is A True Success

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Erykah Badu once quoted “I planned success. I just knew it was going to happen.” From her statement, success is all about planning, and working hard to progress towards an ultimate goal. How Ms. Badu was so confident in attaining success, that is how everyone’s determination for success should be. If someone is willing to accept possible failure, strive, and be their best, by doing their best, success it theirs. Even though success has as many definitions as there are people, many people measure their success based primarily on wealth; however, I define success as being that which is attained as one sets goals and achieves them, and as a fluid thing that changes as our stations in life change. In today’s culture, society, as a whole, brainwashes us into a false perception of success. People with expensive handbags, cars, or jewelry are automatically deemed as a success. Also, people with corporate jobs that hold Chief Executive Operation positions, or a field in general that makes an immense amount of money are considered the successful ones. While a having a great job may be someone’s own personal success, do not let the wealth speak as to why you are successful. Success is not always determined by one’s wealth. As an example, it is already known that celebrities make a vast amount of money. When we review their success, we look at their accomplishments, and how hard they have worked to get to their ultimate goal, not how much money they have ascertained.

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