
Student Loan Debt And Consumer Choice

Better Essays

Student Loan Debt and Consumer Choice In today’s society, student loans are haunting the lives of millions of postgraduates all over the United States. Students who have carelessly taken out loans and those in serious need of financial aid for their college education are now burdened with thousands of dollars worth of debt. As the student debt average continues to increase in our nation, the budgets of postgraduates begin to dwindle and the amount of defaults grow dramatically. With the large student debts our young adults are now dealt with, recent graduates are forced to compromise certain aspects of their quality and standard of living after graduation. Our nation’s recent graduate’s budgets are being directly affected by the student loan debt and interest accrued during and after their college careers. Student loans are a form of financial aid given by federal and private organizations designed to help fund the student’s tuition, housing, books, and other expenses. Student loans are primarily given to those who are in most need of financial assistance. The interest rates that accompany these loans are relatively lower than those of credit cards, housing and auto loans, because these loans were meant to be quickly and easily paid off. With federal interest rates fixed at as low as five percent and private loan interest rates decreasing, it comes to question: why is the amount of student loan debt in our nation increasing so rapidly? And with the amount of student loan

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