
Strategic Planning & the Marketing Process

Decent Essays

Strategic Planning & The Marketing Process STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. It involves defining a clear company mission, setting supporting objectives, designing a sound business portfolio and coordinating functional strategies. Strategic Planning set the stage for the rest of the planning in the firm. It involves defining a clear company mission, setting supporting company objectives, designing a sound business portfolio and coordinating functional strategies. At corporate level the company first defines its overall purpose and mission. Mission Statement: An …show more content…

[pic] Potential buyers: Who have buying power, but they are not our customers. Strategic Growth: Strategic growth is done on four levels; □ Company Level □ Division Level □ Business Level □ Product Level Strategic Planning Gap: It is the difference between the desired level of sales & projected level of sales. Desired Level of Sales: Sales which is our target or the maximum we can sale is the desired level of sales. Projected Level of Sales: Sales which can be generated from current resources is know as projected level of sales. How can we fill strategic planning gap? Intensive Growth: □ To increase sale by increasing market share □ To increase sale by introducing new product □ To increase sale by introducing your existing product in new market Market Penetration Strategy: Increasing your customers by getting more market share through existing products Market Development Strategy: Offering your existing products in new markets Product Development Strategy: Offering a new improved product is same market Integrated Growth: Backward Integration: Increasing growth by producing raw material Forward Integration: Increasing growth by opening retail stores to sell your products, buying your customers Horizontal Integration: Increasing growth by buying your competitor Diversification Growth: Concentric Diversification Strategy: Offering new

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