
Strategic India 's Competitive Advantage Using Enterprise System

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STRATEGIC APP ROACHES USED TO ACHIEVE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE USING ENTERPRISE SYSTEM Assignment 2: Short Paper Essay By Amandeep Joshi Student ID: 4523233 BCO6615-Strategic Use of ERP Systems Victoria University Sydney Table of Contents Introduction: 3 Why ERP So important:….........………………...…………………………………………..3 Value ERP Systems: 4 Porter Five Force Model: 4 Competitive Advantage:………..…………………..………………………………………..5 Strategies to achieve completive Advantage………………………………………………..6 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10 References:……......……………………………………………………………………..…..11 INTRODUCTION An enterprise resource …show more content…

Competitive strategy is the plan of a company in order to have profitable competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry. A strategy is an expansive based equation for how a business is going to contend, what is objectives should be, & what arrangements & approaches will be obliged to do those objectives (Porter, 2008). The approach to achieve the competitive advantage falls into the following 3 categories:  Low cost leadership strategy  Product differentiation  A focus or niche strategy In this essay, there will be discussions about how companies can use enterprise (ES). Strategic approaches that a company 's adopt to achieve CA as well as a brief discussion about Michael porters five force model & there will be a brief discussions about the different strategies used along with the examples that helps to attain CA in the enterprise system. WHY ERP SYSTEM IS SO IMPORTANT? It provides many benefits to business such as: Enhance productivity, flexibility and customer responsiveness: By integrated business processes together in single application, it helps the company in many ways like minimize the efficiency of business process across the organization. Manufacturing of plants can produces product faster. Increase on time delivery, increase on productivity, increase ability to forecast demand to supplies, increase order capacity and improve customer service. Eliminate costs and inefficiencies: By using ERP system to standardize processes can improve

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