
Steinbock Designer Babies

Decent Essays

D’Narea Hillard Tina Mickleborough English 111 20 October 2014 “Designer Babies” Living in such a fast paced society people look at new technologies as almost being something that they are forced to try. Biological and technological advances become so over bearing that we almost can’t resist. Although Stephan L. Baird in his article Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options? And Bonnie Steinbock in her article Designer Babies: Choosing Our Children’s Genes, take issue with “designer babies”. Baird believes that this technology has already enabled “designer babies” and now the concern should be over regulation. Steinbock, on the other hand, is both critical and dismissive of “designer babies” and doesn’t believe parents have …show more content…

Safety objections come into play when there is a new technology, especially with a product that has an unforeseen side effect (563). She indicates that parents who are willing to go through a costly process of choosing in advance their children’s traits, may be the ones that are perfectionist (565). Steinbock states that “parents that go to such great lengths to control their future child’s abilities would be guilty of parental tyranny” (565). Steinbock declares that even though the parent would be able to choose the specific talents their child may have, not all children will end up using their inherited gifts (564). Steinbock adds an example, “by cloning even if you choose all of the genome in your child it is not fact that you will have complete control over the traits the child inherits” (564). Steinbock gives a very clear example on this issue, “just because a child was born with a musical talent, but does not practiced he won’t become a musician no matter what his genetic make-up may be” (564). For instance she learns from Princeton microbiologist Lee Silver “all that anyone will ever get from cloning, or any other reproductive technology, is an unpredictable son our daughter, who won’t listen to his parents any more than my children will listen to me” (564). She believes it is not possible to say all parents wanting a “designer baby” would abuse the technology for selfish reasons

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