
Statement of Purpose for Computer Science

Decent Essays

It is universally agreeable that with the advent of Computer technology, every ambitious and enthusiastic individual is really obsessed with the idea of doing computer science at graduate level because it seems to have created a zeal and enthusiasm in the hearts of youth, particularly those who aspire to be marked as high achievers. I, for one, seem to have been enchanted by these computer applications as they have made the world smaller, speaking in terms of globalization. I have no hesitation to add that core computerization alone is the suitable answer to all the areas unexploited and to the areas waiting for development. It has always been a fascination for me about how computers work, how these applications are designed and what can be the newer ways to explore the world of computers to make our world better. This interest became a passion for me when I was exposed to computer science basics, during my middle school. Pursuing computer science engineering at undergraduate level, further propelled my passion for computer science along with providing me a deeper insight and in-depth understanding of the subject. After completing my under graduation in Computer Science, I am willing to expedite my research interest and a masters degree seemed the most appropriate choice for realizing my aspirations. Since my school days, I have been interested in Mathematics because the challenge of thinking and the process of logic always attracted me to Mathematical problems. With my

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