
Star Appliance Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Star Appliance Case Study

Star Appliance is looking to expand their product line and is considering three different projects: dishwashers, garbage disposals, and trash compactors. We want to determine which project would be worth doing by determining if they will add value to Star. Thus, the project(s) that will add the most value to Star Appliance will be worth pursuing. The current hurdle rate of 10% should be re-evaluated by finding the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Then by forecasting the cash flows of each project and discounting them by the WACC to find the net present value, or by solving for the internal rate of return, we should be able to see which projects Star should undertake.

Conclusion: …show more content…

The current year is 1979, so from Exhibit 3 the 1980 dividend is forecasted to be $1.70, and the stock price in 1979 is $22.50. This gives a dividend yield of 7.56%, which is added to g. There are four ways to solve for g:
• Dividend Growth Rate: Using the dividend schedule data in exhibit 6, g = 4.46%
• Capital Gains Yield: I was able to find the stock prices by multiplying the P/E ratio times EPS, both of which are found in exhibit 6. g = 1.90%
• EPS Growth Rate: These values are also found in exhibit 6, leading to g = 5.55%
• Reinvestment Returns: I found "b" (the reinvestment rate) by using exhibit 1 to calculate the percentage of net income per share of common stock that is paid out in dividends, and subtracting it from 1 to solve for the percentage reinvested. The return on equity, "k", is found by dividing net income (exhibit 1) by book value (exhibit 2). G = b*k shows g = 8.14%.

Now to find the return on equity (ROE), I chose to add the average of the Dividend Growth and the Earnings Per Share Growth and use that as g. I decided that the Capital Gains Yield was much too low compared to the other values of "g" that I found and should be discarded from further calculations, considering it to be an outlier. The Reinvestment Returns yielded a value for "g" that is a little on the high end, but it is only based on

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