
Stanford Prison Experiment Effect

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Hello, Dr. Chambers, Classmates and Readers of this post

The Impacts of Improper Methodology and Ethics While Researching
The “Wakefield Factor”
The “Stanford Prison Experiment”
Although harm is harm, harm can be measured. From my own point of view, the immunization study with respect to Dr. Wakefield and his 12 colleagues, led to the most harm and it is one of the greatest ethical abuse in the history of scientific research (Rao, S. T. S, Andrade, C, 2011). However, the Stanford prison experiment is as well harmful. It causes psychological trauma on all participants (the researchers inclusive). Moreover, the Standford prison experiment is a worth-doing experiment as it teaches how situations can structure human behavior (Leithead, …show more content…

Philip Zimbardo, a professor of Psychology at the University of Stanford. The experiment took place in a basement of the university. Twelve qualified volunteers including Dr. Zimbardo was to play the role of either guards or prisoners in a fabricated and stimulated prison environment at a basement of the university. At the university, the newspaper announcement to collect volunteer states that the participant will be paid 15 dollars each per day (Haney, C., Banks, W.C. & Zimbardo, P.G. 1973). Except for Dr. Zimbardo, all participants were students. The purpose of the experiment is to study human behavior under roles in a prison environment. The experiment was estimated to prolong for two weeks (Haney et al, 1973). However, according to Leithead (2011), the experiment was terminated just six days thereafter due to the development of mental and psychological disorders of the prisoners (para. 3). Which was as a result of the brutal abuse of the guards on the prisoners. The first day of the experiment was very boring as every participant were at the phase of checking things out. But thereafter, the guard with dark eyeglasses and khaki uniform sees themselves to be in charge. They therefore aggressively exercise power over the prisoners as in a real-life situation. And the prisoners whose names must not be mentioned but addressed by numbers became submissive to their role. Forgetting even that it was just an experiment. Even …show more content…

Wakefield and colleagues, adhere to the scientific research code of conducts. The Lancet Psychiatry is also faulty from my own point of view. They would not have published the result of the research done after seeing the fact that the research sample was relatively of very small size. The publication led to the curiosity of journalists and media spreading the news about the result of the research that MMR can trigger autism. However, without tangible evidence. Of course, a published review of a such will go viral. Hence, parents have the fear of immunizing their

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