
Stalin Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

November, 7, 1941, The anniversary of the October Revolution, Joseph Stalin is the Supreme Dictator of Soviet Russia. The germans have captured large portions of Russia and are marching on stalingrad. In an attempt to inspire his Red Army Stalin gives a speech to the people of Russia. The speech that was never given a name, was preformed atop of Lenin's Mousoleum an served as a battle cry to the people of russia. In his speech Stalin used Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to inspire the people of Russia.
Pathos is using emotional appeal to convince your audience. In the opening sentence of the speech we see Pathos being used "Comrades, men of the Red Army and Red Navy" the sentence uses the word "Comrades" to refer to the people in order to invoke a sense of unity and familiarity amongst the people. Another use of Pathos can be found in the sentence "In the fire of war we forged the Red Army" The sentence is recalling a time during Soviet Russia's beginings when the Red Army was being formed, the sentence …show more content…

An example of Ethos would be the phrase "The spirit of the great Lenin animated us" in this case he is using Vladmir Lenin to talk about Soviet Russia's early victories. In the next sentence "today the position of our country is far better, than twenty-three years ago" he is using himself as the expert seeing as he was heavily involved in Soviet Russia's politics twenty-three years prior. Another Example is found in the sentence "Let the manly images of our great ancestors-Alexander Nevsky, Dimitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dimitry Pozharsky, Alexander Sovorov, and Mikhail Kutuzov- inspire you in this war" in this sentence Stalin uses Soviet Russia's founding fathers to soupport his call to action. In the last sentence "May the victorious banner of the great lenin be your lodestar" Stalin once again uses Vladmir Lenin, to soupport his call to action. Stalin often used Ethos with Logos to add credibility to his

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