
Speech On Value Of Diversity

Decent Essays

Diversity is defined as “a state of being different” however, the meaning extends further than just culture and race. It is a concept which revolves around acceptance and respect. Understanding each individual, their tradition, their belief, their uniqueness, and their importance in the community builds up the true meaning of diversity.
The concept “Value of Diversity” refers to, understanding each other and moving beyond religion and culture to appreciate the person’s principles and their presence in the society. Valuing diversity teaches respecting individuality while maintaining respect for others. It helps us to highlight the contributions of various groups in making up a community. As evident from the speech by Kofi Annan at Global Centre …show more content…

As said by Jawaharlal Nehru in a letter dated 20 September 1953, “India is a composite country, composite in many ways, in religion, in customs, in languages, in ways of life”. It is a community which is known for its cultural diversity across the world. With having 29 states and 7 Union territories, India also has 22 different languages and 11 different religions practiced by a diverse group of people. It is a community where holidays and festivals are celebrated on a wide scale, irrespective of caste, and beliefs. Where on one hand the community celebrates Eid ul- Fitr, Bakr- Id, Buddha Jayanti, and Baisakhi, there on the other, it also enthusiastically participates in the festivals like Diwali, Holi, Ganesh Chaturthi, and Christmas. Not only the community shares different festivals but also share diverse places of worship. Where on one side there is a Temple and Gurudwara, there on the other is Mosque and Church. This brings an admirable combination of languages, rituals, festivals, cuisines, clothes, and principles in one diverse community, India. The above facts prove the fact that India has a very rich cultural heritage and the diversity in culture has been one of the strengths for development in …show more content…

When the importance is known, no group would dominate the other to overpower it with their morals. The most rival groups, Hindu and Muslim will also observe that ‘Diwali’ has the name ‘Ali’ and ‘Ramadan’ has the name ‘Ram’. The two groups will come to realize that apart there minor differences, there are similar ideas and concepts that can bring them together, a wall of hatred and dominance is futile. Hence, the wall must be demolished keeping all the differences apart, and shaking their hands in the name of unity and

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