
Speaking Of The Unspoken Places

Decent Essays

When things are hidden from the public, or if the public is not aware of something, it is left untold. This happens to many events and people throughout history. According to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s speech, “The Danger of a Single Story,” we need multiple stories so one is not veiled by the single story. When there is only one side of a story, the other side is unspoken. Once the other half is not made visible, it dehumanizes the people who are a part of the unspoken story. They become places, things, and people that are forgotten. Martin Espada wrote in “Speaking of the Unspoken Places in Poetry,” that “sometimes these places are unspoken because unspeakable things happen there.” September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for many people. Hundreds …show more content…

It generated a loss of identity for women and men. There are many instances in the book that support this notion. This is especially seen when the narrator uses the game of checkers as a metaphor for how the lives of the slaves were handled. Baby Suggs, one of the prominent characters in the novel, lived an underprivileged life as many of the slaves. She was a slave woman whose son worked extra hours to buy her out of slavery. The narrator says, “in all of Baby’s life, as well as Sethe’s own, men and women were moved around like checkers. Anybody Baby Suggs knew, let alone loved, who hadn’t run off or been hanged, got rented out, loaned out, bought up, brought back, stored up, mortgaged, won, stolen or seized” (Morrison 28). Checkers is a metaphor for these people who are not seen as humans. These people were pieces used, moved, and checked off when not convenient. This was a form of oppression. By dehumanizing and discriminating a group of people, you rob them of dignity and deplete their identity to where they become “less than a chicken” (Morrison 86). With their identity, went their ability to mother. The narrator goes on to say, “so Baby’s eight children had six fathers. What she called the nastiness of life was the shock she received upon learning that nobody stopped playing checkers just because the pieces included her children” (Morrison 28). Baby Suggs lost all but one of her children to slavery ruled by white supremacy. A lot of black men and women lost their lives to a cruel death or to the appointing player, the white man, waiting to call

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