
Spanish American War Causes

Decent Essays

The Spanish-American War began in the year 1898. After some time, The United States declared war after hearing about the poor conditions Cuban’s were facing under the hands of Spanish troops. Starting on a rough note, before the war commenced the United States lost one of its ships, the USS Maine which unexpectedly sunk off the coast of Cuba. America quickly blamed Spain for the disaster even though they never found out the cause for the ships sinking. Even though the main focus of the war was Cuba, The first battle of the war began in the Philippines, where Commodore George Dewey guided the American fleet to commence battle against Spain. For centuries, Spain had controlled the Philippines making the Filipino people angry. Therefore Roosevelt called the troops near the …show more content…

Several of the troops were volunteers and did not have proper training for war, this lack of experience making them an easy target. Not only did United States forces have to face deadly weapons, but more men died due to diseases on the island than from combat. One of the major diseases affecting soldiers was Yellow Fever which continuously plagued citizens of the tropical island. The men who fought in the battle of San Juan Hill were referred to as “Rough Riders” and were under the command of Theodore Roosevelt himself. Being a hands on man, Roosevelt quit his position with the Navy and joined the active soldiers in order to fight in the war firsthand. Alongside Roosevelt’s troops were a few African American regiments, who their commanders mistreated heavily. At one point the commanders sent an African American regiment to their deaths, but General Shafter called the regiment back realizing they were being sent on a suicide mission that many would not survive. Furthermore, Cuban forces also had a role in fighting as they helped the American forces in whatever way they

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