
Space Exploration : The Space Program

Decent Essays

Everyday people stare into the darkness above completely marveled by the bright lights painted across the sky. While the world above us appears beautiful and mystifying, it does not feel pivotal in our daily routine. The main concerns of many people comprise of paying their taxes and picking their children up from daycare; however, most people do not spend hours on end contemplating the urgency of exploring the unknown in the vast universe above. Because many people do not consider the importance of space exploration in their everyday lives, funding the space program seems completely preposterous. Many people wonder why the government should spend billions of dollars exploring the unknown when the United States has a debt ceiling approaching seventeen trillion dollars. The magnitude of space travel feels minuet when ample issues still exist here on Earth. However, the United States Government must fund the space program because it provides thousands of improvements to everyday technologies and provides humans with the ability to someday leave Earth behind.

To begin, The United States government should put ample funds in the space program to continue to improve everyday technologies. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been behind thousands of technologies that we take for granted in our everyday lives. NASA produces technologies known as “spin-offs.” These spinoffs begin as technologies implemented in NASA missions, but after their use in

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