
Sociological Perspective

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Deviance and Sociological Perspectives The current paper aims to discuss deviance in accordance with Structural Functional theory and Conflict Perspective theory. It is important to note that deviance is usually understood as a specific behavior, which seriously differs from the accepted social standards and mainstream trends. The deviance is especially noticeable in communication patterns and sexual life. There seems to be no doubt that deviance is present in any state due to the specific social laws discussed by the different theories (Ritzer 83-84). The Structural Functional theory examines society as a dynamic system, which consists of individuals. Evidently, the cybernetic theory highlights that system is bigger than the sum of its components. It means that different inherent principles make society more complicated than just a group of people. The existence of deviant behavior reveals one of such principles. …show more content…

He listed different functions fulfilled by the phenomenon of deviance. First, deviance helps to understand the difference between positive and negative behavior. The tag of a deviant person has negative connotations. As a result, people know that it is essential to avoid such type of behavior or self-expression. Second, deviance is very important for the unity of society. People identify themselves as normal due to the existence of deviance. At the same time, deviance could have a positive impact on society. Thus, social development happens due to the existence of individuals, who oppose their thoughts to mainstream opinion. Their social performance could influence the life of other social members and persuade others to become followers of some idea. It becomes clear that deviance has many positive functions in accordance with the Structural Functional

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