
Sociological Characters In Disney Film : A Bug's Life

Decent Essays

A Bug’s Life is one of many Disney films released on November 25, 1998. This film is very interesting because the audience is taken on an adventure with the characters involved in every seen and the events that occur and relationships between characters mimic some of the things that occur in our everyday lives. The run-through of this film involves a large colony of ants with the underlying issue being grasshoppers. According to imdb, “Each year, a small group of grass hoppers travel to the ant’s island to take the food that ants collected for them from the island. The grass hoppers normally “come, eat, and then leave” with no issues; however, when our main character, one of many ants in the colony, Flik accidentally knocks over the over …show more content…

Structural functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Essentially, structural functionalism is how every part of society fits and works together to keep everyone involved, united and to support the process of moving our nation forward. The colony that Flik lives in and that encounters an issue is its own small part of the world that follows structural functionalism; however, when Flik ventures off into the bug world to find warrior bugs it is easy to see ways that structural functionalism works outside of the colony. In the ant colony, the audience can see structural functionalism because each ant has a job that they do to ensure the success of the colony. The ants collect food together and follow orders from people who are higher in position like Princess Atta or The Queen. Through following orders and working together, the colony is able to find a balance and accept what they must do to become successful in fulfilling the needs of not only themselves but also the demanding grass hoppers. Structural functionalism occurs in the larger bug world or “The city” as shown in the film because there is a diverse group of bugs who are all able to function because of structure and things done by everyone involved in the city. Overall, the film, A

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