
Social Sustainability

Decent Essays

Title With the idea of sustainability in terms of the environment and renewable resources being discussed more often, the idea of social sustainability encroaches its way into all of these topics. With questions such as: how will a city manage this? How will enforcement of sustainability affect our lifestyles? Will people actually willingly follow these ideas of sustainability? These questions show the concern people have for society and this new idea of a sustainable lifestyle. However, people will end up not following these new guidelines to a more reserved and environmentally aware lifestyle, which in turn leads to the question: are they really valuable to society? Ethically speaking, no these people are not valuable, because in turn, …show more content…

Since people are not able to come to terms with the fact that resources are running out, they are hindering people from expanding and looking towards new and sustainable types of resources. These new resources can help change lives, and to help with the environmental damage that the human race has already caused. With this in mind, we have to look towards the future of humanity as a whole, and since people are not embracing these new and improved ideas for sustained living, they are ultimately causing the fall of human society, since soon, we will be running out of these resources. Resources today are still being fought over, and that will only escalate over time unless we strive to a better lifestyle, and people who are not coming to terms with the idea of sustainability, will only cause more outbreaks of war and infighting over resources. These resources are already sparse enough, there is no reason to continue using them, or even speeding up the process in which these resources are being used up. The idea of sustained living is slowed by people who are unable to embrace this idea because they hinder the advancements …show more content…

Researchers are looking into all sorts of new and efficient fuel sources (water, air, electric) as well as electrical generators (wind farms, hydro powered generators). These different types of research would be gathering even more support if people could truly see that the planet is dying in terms of resources and humanity needs to adapt, or else it is going to die along with it. Since the arrogance of people not fully coming to terms with the idea of sustainability is only hindering the adaption and lifestyles of humans, it is showing that they are not valuable to society. Someone who is not in support of sustainability is slowly killing humanity, because we are still not fully adapting to the idea of an environmentally friendly life or even being aware of the environmental problems in general. People need to become aware of the problems, but it isn’t helping when other people are disregarding the issues entirely, since they are not educating others on the issues, and thus causing more arrogance among the

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