
Social Networking Makes People Unsocial

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Social networking makes people unsocial Introduction Technology has grown tremendously over the last years. This growth has brought with it different ways that individuals can use to communicate and keep in touch with each other. Social networking is one technology that has allowed people to share, keep in touch, and communicate. Social networking has also had an effect on business, society, and politics. It has been adapted and embraced quite quickly, which has brought numerous changes to the world. Unfortunately, not all these changes are for the better. There is little research regarding the effects that social networking is having on human relationships. People have been denied the opportunity to have meaningful social interactions with each other. Social networking has removed the need for physical interaction between people ADDIN EN.CITE Phillipson2004276(Phillipson, Allan and Morgan)2762766Phillipson, C.Allan, G.A.Morgan, D.H.J.Social Networks and Social Exclusion: Sociological and Policy Perspectives2004110 Cherry StreetAshgate9780754634294 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Phillipson, 2004 #276" Phillipson, Allan and Morgan). People are now communicating more on social networks that they do in person. There is also the potential of people pretending whom they are on social networks. This would make them seem popular and interactive, though this is not the case in real life. It is clear that social networking has contributed

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