
Social Inequality In The Dance Industry

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Everyone experiences social inequality at least once in their lifetime, whether it is something small or something big it is still social inequality. Personally, I have experienced social inequality in the dance studio due to my physical appearance. About 3 years ago I experienced social inequality due to my physical appearance. I was quite short 3 years ago and this other girl was taller than me. We were at the same dance level and had about the same muscle mass as me, however, she was always placed in the front center of the stage and I was always placed at the back dark corner where no one is able to see me. This made me feel like I was a bad dancer because this has happened in every single dance we were in together which was about five. She was, also, a lot prettier than me and she knew it. Since she was always placed in the front she was quite stuck up and as a result, not many people at the dance studio liked her. This is an example of social inequality due to my physical appearance compared to others in the dance studio. …show more content…

I am now placed in the front center and everyone else is either on the side or behind me. This makes me feel bad because I feel like they should have time to shine too, however, I like being in the front center because I was always in the back. I went from being on the disadvantaged side to the advantaged side of social inequality and in some ways, it feels great but in other ways, I feel sorry for those still experiencing social inequality at the dance studio. I try not to be stuck up like that girl three years ago because I do not want people to hate me for being a good dancer. I cannot help that I am always placed in the front and I am too shy to speak up and say something about it and personally, I like being front and center now that I know what it feels

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