
Sister Carrie Essay

Decent Essays

Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is a simple tale of a young, pretty eighteen year old girl Caroline Meeber also know as Carrie.
When Carrie got on the train from Columbia City to Chicago she had only few cheap items in her trunk and her sister’s address on a piece of paper. Being only eighteen she was still "full of the illusions of ignorance and youth"(Dreiser, 7). She was both afraid of the things to come and exited by the countless possibilities offered by one of the largest cities of the late 19th century – Chicago.
As soon as Carrie arrives in Chicago various obstacles face her. She has no experience at working outside home, which makes finding any work very difficult. She does not like the simple, and in her view, …show more content…

When she goes off with him there is no conflict within her, no regrets, no second thoughts. As soon as an opportunity to leave her boring life arrived Carrie took it and never looked back. All she cared about was the fact that now she no longer needed to work long hours for little pay. By becoming Drouet’s kept woman she no longer had to worry about getting comfortable clothing, good meal and money. People knew her as Mrs. Drouet and she liked it. Through Drouet Carrie met her next man – Hurstwood, a manager at Fitzgerald and Moy’. Carrie flirted and spend time with him without giving it a second thought. It did not bother her that Hurstwood was twice her age – in fact he was old enough to be her father. She never stopped to think that someone of his position, and in her eyes he was definitely much higher on a social scale than Drouet, might be married, have a family, responsibilities and obligations to them as well as to others. To Carrie "Hurstwood seemed drag in the direction of honor"(Dreiser, 128), but how would she know what honor was and what it meant? She had none – otherwise she would never leave her family to become a kept woman and soon after that a home wrecker. Hurstwood left his wife, children and respectable job to carry on his affair with Carrie. He even stole from his longtime employers to be with Carrie. In return she dumped him when he proved to be of no use to her in the quest for the better life. As Dreiser

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