
Single Parent Households

Decent Essays

As of 2016, there are over 20 million children in the United States who are being raised in single-parent households. While most of these children are being raised by their mothers, over 3 million of them live with their fathers. These single moms & dads face unique challenges. Luckily, there are many things single parents can do to face these challenges more efficiently.

Allow Others to Help

Whether because of divorce, death, or another reason, if you find yourself as a single parent, it can be easy to feel like you are alone. While it is true that you will now be raising your child or children on your own, it is important to realize that you are not alone. Whether you have been a single parent for only a short time or you have been one …show more content…

This can be particularly helpful when your spouse has died, and can comfort each other. It is important, though, to avoid relying on your children too much as a support system. They should be allowed to be children.

While teens can often care for their younger siblings while you are gone, they should not be expected to care for their siblings all the time. They need time with their friends. Often, they want to participate in sports or get a job. This is why finding quality child care is so important, even if you have older children.

Take Time for Your …show more content…

For example, with small children, walking to the park down the street and playing there is a great idea. You could visit a free or inexpensive museum with older children or find another free activity near your home. Make your children a priority.

Take Time for Yourself

As a single parent, taking care of your family can quickly get stressful and sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you have several children. Never feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Have a babysitter take care of your children while you go out to dinner with a few friends. Join a quilting club. Go to the library. Do something fun without your kids. Your support system really comes into play when it comes to taking time for yourself. You can know that your kids are being well taken care of while you are out taking time for yourself.

As a single parent, there will be stressful moments. There will be times when you may feel inadequate. Just remember that you are not alone. There are other parents struggling to care for their children on their own. Yet, as you rely on others, enjoy time with your children, and take time for yourself, you will likely find you are doing better than you

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