
Similarities Between Tom Buchanan And George Wilson

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In the Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan and George Wilson are both bad men. They get cheated on by their wives, Daisy and Myrtle. Though people are placed in different economic classes or defined as “poor” or “rich” in the 1920’s, it doesn’t change the reaction or emotion of women/men in these difficult situations. Though Tom Buchanan and George Wilson are in different economic classes, they are more similar than different when it comes to their attitudes and actions toward their wives when being cheated on. Some of the men’s actions are different while some show the stereotype of men in the 1920’s.
The main thing that is different between the two men is their wealth. In the Great Gatsby, George is not wealthy. He is a working normal class guy. …show more content…

Tom physically hits Myrtle and in him doing so, we see that he has anger issues and not much self-control. Tom uses his reputation and his standing in society to push people around and into doing things the way he wants them done. In this mentality he believes he can have whatever he wants, without there being consequences or problems for others. George on the other hand, is also a violent man, but his temper can be hard to control and he’s basically a ticking bomb. George becomes tired of people treating him like a “lower class”, so eventually he loses control of his of his anger, and has consequences to face for it. George always has to face consequences, while Tom on the other hand is able to just walk away from it.
These two men are alike more than they’re different. In the 1920’s men think they should be in charge and to everyone else they had to look like they’re the “boss”. It is obvious that George and Tom both feel this way, with their temper and pride basically controlling their life. Only in comparison, Tom is able to get away from acting like this because of his financial status and his power, George although has to pay fully for his

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