
Similarities Between Rich And Poor In Barn Burning By William Faulkner

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Rich vs. Poor in William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”
“Barn Burning” is a story which was first published in 1939 and later awarded the O. Henry Memorial Award. It was the best short story of the year. William Faulkner, the author, was a creative and innovative writer whose ability to describe a place makes you feel like you are present and experiencing all happenings that take place in the story. Particularly in this short story, he has managed to create the picture of real-life events in the minds of readers while depicting the main theme: constant struggle between the poor and rich.
This short story clearly shows how different people live and struggle in the society. Human beings are always in a dilemma of making decisions. The story tries to demonstrate the struggle between the rich and the poor in the community. Faulkner has structured the story in a way that it depicts the emotional despair of both the protagonist and antagonist. What the story entails is a complete comparison of different societies from diverse life angles.
Faulkner has distinctively outlined the differences between the antagonist and protagonist. As on account of Colonel Sartoris Snopes, youthful wiry with blurred pants and uncombed dark colored hair is left in a predicament of equity and his family (Faulkner 226). The boy looks pale and miserable, but he is the determinant of the case at hand. He fears the gaze of his father and the look of people around him. He has a crucial decision to

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