
Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults? Essay

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Samantha Panek Dr. Lennie Irvin English 1301-279 April 29, 2012 Should Juveniles be tried as Adults? There are many controversies that surround juveniles being rehabilitated rather than going through the adult justice system, but studies show that juveniles are not fully developed to be tried as an adult. One of the main questions that it always boils down to is “should juveniles be tried as adults?” in my opinion juveniles should not be tried as adults because of their age. First, I believe that juveniles should not be tried as adults because their mentalities are not fully developed. Children are often unable to consider the long term consequences of their actions, have difficulty taking the perspective of others, and typically have …show more content…

If we simply send juveniles through the adult justice system it might make them worse individuals. For instance, since their minds are still growing, by being around worse criminals they may pick on their criminal traits. Some juveniles that went through traumatic experiences which led to their sentencing will be able to get to the roots of their issues, since the counselors will be there to guide them. Finally, I believe that by being rehabilitated the juvenile will have a better chance at life because eventually they will be back in society. Juveniles that go through the rehabilitation process will be able to have a clean record after they reach 18, where as the exact opposite if they went through the adult justice system. When they get out, they will have adult criminal records that aren’t erased. (The New York Times p.28) Once the rehabilitated juveniles are released, they will be able to start a new life. Juveniles will be able to get a job and maybe earn a degree for a specific profession without being viewed a criminal. Since the juvenile will have gone through rehabilitation they will have a different perception on life, and will also understand that for every action there is a reaction. They will make smarter choices and hopefully not want to return to the lifestyle In conclusion I feel that by not trying juveniles as adults it is a better outcome for the child and society. We are also giving the juvenile a second chance at the future that everyone

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