
Shoshana Hebshi Essay

Decent Essays

Is racial profiling an issue in the United States? Some people may say yes to this question. Racial profiling has been an issue in the United States for a long time. Shoshana Hebshi experienced this first hand. She was arrested and humiliated because of her race and ethnic background (Niraj Warikoo, 2013). Racial profiling is unconstitutional and is a problem in the United States caused by the iron triangle and affect people like Shoshana Hebshi every day. Shoshana Hebshi was affected by racial profiling on September 11, 2011. She was arrested, told to strip naked, squat, and cough while an officer looked at her (Warikoo, 2013). As it would be for any female, this was intrusive of her dignity and embarrassing for her. She was a …show more content…

When writing a policy, it is in their own interest and not written in the perspective of the racial or ethnic group being profiled to be protecting their civil rights. The stop and frisking act can be one of the causes of racial profiling. Police being able to stop and frisk anyone that looks suspicious. This stop and frisk policy has led to “officers’ routinely stopping ‘blacks and Hispanics who would not have been stopped if they were white’” ( Some policies from the iron triangle can cause it to be easier to be exposed to racial profiling. People like Shoshana Hebshi are affected by unconstitutional racial profiling caused by the iron triangle. People like Shoshana Hebshi experience this because of their race and ethnic backgrounds. The U.S. should not allow racial profiling to happen because we are all equal under the law. The iron triangle should carefully compose ideas to be affective, but not intrusive on civil rights. Racial profiling is in the U.S. and we should try to eliminate it to protect people like Shoshana Hebshi’s

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