
Sexual Abuse And Physical Abuse

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1.1- (a) Physical abuse is causing harm to another person through a physical act and an intending pain. It is used in a meaningful way. (b) Sexual abuse is forcing someone upon a sexual act that a person may not be willing to do. Even if someone may feel willing they may not have the knowledge of what the activity is and feel pressured and not comfortable in these doing's. Someone can be sexual abused there (their) whole lives and so might not realise what happening to them is wrong. (c) Emotional and psychological abuse can be someone who can mentally drain you of all you positive emotions and leave you with anxiety ,depression and other disorders. It can be a traumatic experience that someone has put you threw (through) or an activity in which you find distressing. (d )Financial abuse can happen when someone is spending money on themselves with acknowledgment that it belongs to someone else. Using someone else's money on something that is not in their interests or needs but on yours will be an offense. Financial abuse can also be using someone's belongings on yourself for personal use without their acknowledgment or the capacity to understand. (e)Institutional abuse is when someone can withhold and not fulfil someone's necessary needs and potentially neglect them. Neglecting their human rights and disrespecting their wishes and desires. Not allowing them to produce social skills and make choices for themselves. Lack of privacy. (f) Self neglect is when you may not

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