
Sex Ed By Anna Quindlen

Decent Essays

Quinden worked at The New York Times. She became a reporter for the New York Post after college before returning to the Times in 1977. “Sex Ed” by Anna Quindlen in the Wake Tech Reader is an article that distinguished her as being a feminist. Even though “Sex Ed” was written long ago, it is as relevant today as then because teens today are not much different from then. In Anna Quindlen’s essay, ‘Sex Ed,” she expresses that parents and teachers need to come together and talk to teenagers about sex. In Quindlen’s essay she talks about when she was sitting in a clinic in the poorest neighborhood in New York City. She sat with a group of young teenagers who amazed her with their knowledge of sexuality. Quindlen talks about someone mentioning the thought that sex education in school would lower or prevent teen pregnancy, but students will do whatever they want to do. Even though it is good to teach young teenagers about sex and possible risk of the act, it could create confusion in students, wondering the class is teaching them about contraceptives or abstinence. The essay explains how half dozen young teenage girls show off that they are having sex, getting pregnant, and having babies. (Quindlen uses) Comparison/ Contrast by looking at herself and other teens. Quindlen point is even through teenagers do to get the education at school or other places many young girls still get pregnant. Sometimes parents want to blame themselves for their daughters getting pregnant, but

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