
Separation Of Power: The American Political System

Decent Essays

The separation of power is a political theory. The principle of the separation of power can be traced to the era of Aristotle. He declared that the three principles theory of political system should be divided into executive, legislative and judicial. In 1748, Montesquieu also proposed the same theory as Aristotle. His idea influenced James Madison and James put the theory into practice in American political system. (Krause 2000) The three branches can check the action of each other in order to avoid the generation of dictator. In my essay, I will use specific reasons to prove why the framers wanted an executive branch to be separated from the legislative branch. Montesquieu is a sociologist of French who proposed the concept of the separation of power (Krause 2000). His idea inspired the founding father of the constitution which called James Madison. James learned the political theory from Montesquieu and proposed the Madisonian Model. It is a structure of the government in which the power of the government are separated into three branches. The government powers of the United States are endowed to the president, the Congress and the Supreme Court. Although each of these three branches is independent, but they can check the action one another to prevent the system of the United States to become totalitarianism. The U.S Congress is …show more content…

The purpose of James Madison proposed the Madisonian Model is to avoid each branch has too much power and three branches can check and corporate each other. The problem is the three branches are unable to check each other fairly if they have the same self-interest. They will act in collusion in order to gain the selfish desire. In addition, if one of them have the different opinion with the others, the two branches will combine the power to reject the one alone. The government system cannot be stable anymore and the result is that the country will be

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