
Segregation in the 1970s

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Imagine a world where prestige is evaluated by neither one’s character nor success. A society which deems it right to believe one’s honor is predetermined by skin color. Visualize a world in which nuances of skin color are used to divide people amongst two factions: White or Black. Envision a society segregated. Whites and Blacks tossed into two different worlds, as if mankind is a pile of dirty laundry which needs to be organized by color. The reality is this hypothetical world did in fact exist in the United States prior to the 1970s.
Racial segregation is a vastly recognized branch of social stratification in American history. Jeannette Walls was a witness of the effects of segregation. She was born on April 21st, 1960 in Phoenix, …show more content…

More specifically, the book effectively brings forth the different perspectives of segregation within this time period. This was made possible since the writer created a sociologically realistic setting, since it is written by someone who essentially lived through this period in time. Although the overall plot of the story does not exclusively focus on segregation, it is inevitable that it played a significant role in the development of society. Generally speaking, it is common knowledge that prior to the 1970s segregation of Blacks and Whites was strictly endorsed in the United States. However, as the Civil Rights Movement became more powerful, a change in the environment occurred. The desegregation of Whites and Blacks came to be.
Prior to the 1970s, racial discrimination was not only customary, but widely accepted. Change was succeeded when Black people took the matters of racial injustice into their own hands, determined to pursue change. Rosa Parks is recognized as one of the major contributors to the nonconformist movement also known as the Civil Rights Movement. She refused to give up her dignity for a white man who argued it was her role in society to relinquish her seat for him simply on behalf of the reason that he assumed the scarcity of melanin in his skin somehow gave him a superior role in society. He justified his deficiency of ethics through the Jim Crow Laws of the

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