
Secondary Employment Police Officers

Decent Essays

Secondary employment for police officers should work fine if done properly. Usually, some officers tend to overextend themselves and the top staff members are a concern if officers are suffering from fatigue, however, there are positive and negative things from secondary employment. However, a career path in law enforcement is known to be financially lacking for some city government to provide for their officers, and secondary employment may be used as a recruiting tool to gain new officers. Normally, officers need a second job such as the typical citizens do, for expenses, reduce debt, and simply make ends meet (Brunet, J., 2008). Also, the idea of having more law enforcement officers throughout the community and shopping mall produces a positive effect, such as deterring shoplifters. Nonetheless, having secondary employment funds coming in on the regular will discourage police corruption for some. Police officers working off-duty jobs as security officers in some schools has help ease parent’s mind and placing their marked vehicles inconspicuous areas to deter criminal activity around schools (Caine, R. D. Burlingame, M., & Arney, L., 1998). …show more content…

Normally, the tax withholding is not removed, therefore problems with the IRS arises. Also, conflict of interest can be an issue. Police officers sometimes find it hard to distinguish between off duty and on duty and the reason the officers has that secondary employment is that they are police officers (Brunet, J., 2008). Nevertheless, police business always supersedes any and all off-duty employment

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