
Scientology Essay examples

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Many people have heard of the revolutionary new religious practice called Scientology. However, the majority of people who have heard of it, have little knowledge of the principles and practices behind the religion. In fact, there is a dark side behind Scientology, and much speculation that the religion is a brainwashing cult. Many people are opposed to the religion because of its secretiveness, its extreme methods of teaching and its alleged use of mind control.

Scientology, founded in 1950 (Hubbard. What is. 3), "is an applied religious philosophy" (Hubbard. What is. 4), which is a branch of psychology (Fundamentals. 7). Developed by Lafayette Ron Hubbard, Scientology was created "from discoveries resulting from …show more content…

There are "highly inflated claims" (Mallia. "Judge."1) that Hubbard traveled throughout Asia at age fourteen (Malko 31), and that he left college to lead an expedition into Central America (Malko 32). However it is known that Hubbard was a science-fiction writer and was a familiar name to American science-fiction fans before venturing into religious philosophy (Malko 34). Hubbard was a bright man, and accepted by many who read his work and who knew him. Hubbard died of a brain hemorrhage on the 24th of January, 1986 (Corydon 406). Hubbard's science-fiction writings, described as "bold and highly imaginative"(Malko 34) are particularly interesting because "they offer insights into Hubbard's sense of fantasy and imagination" (Malko 34). His science-fiction writings also expose certain parallels to particular Scientology principles and beliefs (Hubbard. Fundamentals. 35). According to Church of Scientology documents, "humans first came to earth from outer space 75 million years ago, sent into exile here by an evil warlord named Xenu" (Mallia. "Sacred." 1).

Scientology is chiefly employed through the processing of an individual (Hubbard. Fundamentals. 91-92). Scientologists refer to this procedure as auditing, while the person who carries out the processing is called an auditor. (Hubbard. Fundamentals. 92). "The auditor makes people, at their own choice, do various exercises,

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