
School Violence In Schools

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My Report School is supposed to be a safe place, where kids can go to learn in hopes of finding their passion and continuing with their education until they find fulfilling careers. However, with violence in schools growing in America, school is beginning to seem less and less safe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s article, “Violence Prevention,” the main types of school violence include: bullying, cyber bullying, fighting, weapon use, and gang violence (“Violence Prevention” 3). This article continues to explain that school violence can occur at school, on the way to or from school, and at any school-sponsored event (“Violence Prevention” 4). Ultimately, it does not take a handful of resources to begin to explain school violence. The most well-known acts of school violence on a day-to-day basis are bullying and cyber bullying. According to’s article, “Facts About Bullying,” about twenty-eight percent of people in grades six through twelve have been bullied, and about nine percent have been cyberbullied (“Facts About Bullying” 27). Bullying is usually seen as any harmful act, either physically or emotionally, that occurs on school grounds or at school events. Some examples of bullying would be beating another kid up, saying rude things to someone, or making fun of someone. Bullying can cause kids to commit suicide or dread going to school. With the rise of technology and social media, kids can no longer escape bullying at home.

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