
Scarface: Film Genre Analysis

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A genre is a category, and in film it is a way to describe the best fit of the direction a movie will display. There are many subgenres within a genre that also help to give definition. Genres are used to support a system of grouping instead of disarray by leaving others to decipher it themselves. Scarface is a crime film that also has the sub-genre of gangster. Even though it does not dramatize a social statement on a need for change, Scarface fits into the crime/gangster genre because it distinctly characterizes the severe bloodshed and assaults that are customary in the world of organized crime and demonstrates the calamity of the gangster lifestyle; however, oddly enough with the way the murders occurred it also fits into the horror film genre as well. The crime genre is about a crime that is being committed or was committed and may sometimes be an account of a criminal's life. Scarface displays many criminal that can blow one's mind and is in many ways an account of Montana's life as a drug lord. The film falls into the subgenre of crime, as a "gangster" film for the simple fact that it portrays a criminal organization with a level of organization and resources that …show more content…

With Tony as a drug kingpin both he and his wife both became addicts of the drugs he sold. Mounds of the white substance known as cocaine in almost every scene, Montana stayed sweating and had difficulty concentrating from his overuse of the drug. There isn't a character in the film who did not fall prey to "getting high." As stated by Goodykoontz and Jacobs gangster films "demonstrate the destructiveness of a lifestyle in a way intended to discourage others from imitating it, although some may not recognize that point if the characters are appealing" (2014) and that is what was done with Scarface. One can see how detrimental Tony's drug use is to his empire causing paranoia, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and ultimately ending his

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