
Sampling Cons

Decent Essays

Throughout the conducted survey, there were three different ways that the data could have been sampled, however, for each way, there were both pros and cons. The following information shall explore each different way of sampling and why they should/should not have been chosen to sample the Australian population.
Cluster Sampling: With cluster sampling, the researcher has to divide the chosen population into separate groups, or clusters. Different clusters are then chosen at random, and each person from the said cluster is sampled. So, for example, say a group of forty people is divided into four groups of ten, then a random group will be picked and each member sampled for the data.
Pro: Cluster sampling is good for many different reasons, the first and most prominent being that the sampling technique is quick, easy, and cheap. Rather than sampling the entire population of Australia, the researcher can quickly and effectively conduct the research by choosing a few, randomly selected clusters.
Con: Out of all the different types of probability sampling, the cluster technique is the least representative of the population. Cluster sampling has a tendency to compile individuals with similar …show more content…

The groups are divided and formed based upon common characteristics in the population data. Once the groups are formed, the person conducting the research randomly selects proportional samples. This method of sampling is a common technique that is used by researchers when trying to draw conclusions from differing strata groups that do not overlap. There are many different ways in which the researcher can divide the sub groups, such as age, gender, nationality, job profile, educational level etc. Stratified sampling is used when the researcher wants to understand the existing relationship between two

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