
Rural Libraries And Public Libraries

Decent Essays

Rural libraries provide an information access point to those who live in remote areas. To define, rural libraries are critical instruments for service areas of 25,00 or less. The social economic life of population groups trend towards lower income and poverty. These forces constrict and curtail patrons abilities for education, self- improvement and access to variety of information platforms.

In the course of this effort we will provide a brief survey of challenges that rural libraries experience. We will convey patterns from computer network speeds, the lack of resources and library programing. We will provide solutions with methods and aims provide the best possible services for patrons living in outlining regions of the country

To begin, one challenge that we see that rural libraries are facing is lack of resources. According to the, lack means “lack, want, need, require indicate the absence of something desirable, important, or necessary. lack means to be without or to have less than a desirable quantity of something: to lack courage; to lack sufficient money”. Resource is define by as,
“ a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed”.

Living in a rural community and working in a rural library have given me the opportunity to see first hand and the lack of resources that many rural libraries face. Many rural libraries are limited on the number of

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