
Root Cause Analysis

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A recent conflict that I have felt connected to but not been a personal part of is the Syrian Civil War. The Syrian Civil War began in 2012 and rages on still to this day (Syrian Civil War, 2015). Since the fighting began in response to arrests and protesters being killed, an estimated 220,000 Syrians have died according to the United Nations (Syrian Civil War Fast Facts, 2015). Many countries and individual groups including the United States, Islamic State, Russia, Iran, and many other factions of rebel groups.
In order to get to the root cause of the problem, I have decided to utilize the "Root Cause Analysis (RCA)" tool to analyze the situation. The reason for choosing this tool is due to the complex and critical nature of the conflict and …show more content…

In Syria we see massive civilian displacement and casualties due to fighting. The specific symptoms are armed conflict, air strikes, and purported chemical weapon usage. In following step two and collecting data we have verified proof that the problem exists via independent and state sponsored journalists reporting to all major news syndicates worldwide. The beginnings of the conflict formed over many years of pro-democracy civilians being suppressed in lieu of an authoritarian government. The beginning of the actual anti-regime uprising started in March of 2011 following the arrests of teens and children for political graffiti (Syrian Civil War Fast Facts, 2015). This lead to mass demonstrations in the country's capital and surrounding cities, and let to Syrian police and military forces beating and even killing protesters. This led to the formation to militias forming which split the country into the military and security forces of the Syrian state and militant rebels attempting to overthrow the government. The impact of the problem is that Syria has spiraled into a constant state of chaos throughout the country, resulting in almost complete devastation of all the country's main cities, as well as, constant war and the death of many innocent people and …show more content…

Many other problems surrounded the occurrence of the central problem as Syria has been in the middle of and part of several Middle Eastern conflicts including the Iran-Iraq war, the Afghan War, the Iraq-US Ware, and the 6-day war. Furthermore, the West, specifically Israel and the United States have been known to support anti Syrian groups attempting to overthrow the political regime in place. In the early stages of the ware, many causal factors occurred, including continuing civilian protests that were met with more violence, Unites States imposed sanctions against President al-Assad and several other officials, United States and European imposed economic sanctions, and Russian and Chinese support of President al-Assad. The adversarial nature and military backing of Syria by different world powers essentially transformed the country into a giant chess board in which developed countries picked different sides some siding with the state and others with the rebel groups. Lastly, in a time in which several other countries where overthrowing totalitarian governments in the Middle East including Egypt, social media was spreading the idea that people could in fact make a difference in choosing how they would be governed and that they could demand

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