
Romanticism And Romanticism

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In Anna Karenina, Vintage Tolstoy said, “He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” If he tags a girl likes the sun, which means he is not seeing anything else, seeing nothing but only that girl in his eyes. Just a few short words that have great train wreck coming and only those who are always delusions of love frantically, can claw up such that verse. With a person who always adores love and follows the feeling like me, the Romantic era got me in.
The major strides give people a better understanding of the human person - the central figure of art, a better understanding of the relationship between human- nature, and also -society. In this context appeared more likely, many artistic movements, what’s including Romanticism, are present in the field of literature, painting, music... Romanticism comes from the romances of medieval times, which to refer to knights, heroes, and distant lands, unfinished love ... It’s the result of emotional expression, subjective mood of the people, by reflecting the dreams and aspirations of ordinary people should rise above reality.
The “Wuthering Height” by Emily Bronte is a diamond in the treasures of English literature. At the beginning of the novel, it was a little sleepy and we would see some strange things in the house with Heathcliff, who was a very understanding person. However, a little chapter later, we would become increasingly drawn into the novel.

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