
Roles Of Industrialization In The United States

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The American Industrialization was a time in American history when there was many advancements in the lives of Americans. Industrialization happened after the Reconstruction period and lasted until the 1910’s. This time period turned America from a primarily agricultural country into a factory based economy. The rise of factories lead to a rise of big cities. There were many factories leading to industrialization, including Immigration, the entrepreneurial spirit of captains of industry, the spirit of robber barons, and the rise of Labor Unions.
Immigration was an important factor that started the big industry booms. Immigration was at its peak during the Industrialization period. There were so many people immigrating to the United States the government needed to put limits, or quotas, for how many people could immigrate to the US. Most of the immigrants who came were poor families, or were escaping religious persecution. They came to the US with almost nothing. As a result the factory work force was mostly made up of immigrants. Factories could pay workers with low wages. Low wages weren't liked but the workers didn’t demand better wages because they were afraid they could be fired and another immigrant could easily take their place. …show more content…

One example of the captains of industry developing the economy is how they used vertical integration. Vertical integration is when companies own the supply chain of businesses. For example, Andrew Carnegie owned the iron mines, steel mills, and the stores which sold the steel of the Carnegie Steel Company. These industry captions were usually Philanthropists, or people who helped give back to the community. An example would be on how Andrew Carnegie opened 2,509 different libraries across the world, created Carnegie Mellon University and The Carnegie Endowment for International

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