
Rites Of Passage : The Apache Girl's Rites Of Passage

Decent Essays

Every rite of passage have different things that they have to do in different cultures, they also have some similarities. The Apache girl’s rite of passage and Lakota rite of passage have little similarities and many differences. The things that they have to do to become a adult are different and the things that they have to go through are the same in some ways. By the looks of it, it seems that they are different in every single way. Look closer and you can tell that they are the same in some ways.

The Apache girl’s rite of passage is physically different and harder than the Lakota rites of passage. To become a woman for the Apache rites of passage the process takes four days to complete, when Dachina did the process she said that she barely gets any sleep and she can’t show emotions, one of the many things that she had to do is dance for 10 hours straight. For the “Medicine Bag” or Lakota rite of passage he doesn’t really have to physically do anything except put sage into a medicine bag while he is on the reservation and after that he is an adult. It is obvious that the Apache girl’s rite of passage is way more difficult than the Lakota rite of passage because they have to do physically challenging things.

The Apache girl’s rites rite of passage goes through somewhat a difficult time emotionally because Dachina cannot show any emotions which must be very difficult because when she talked about the process she talks about how hard it is because she is very happy

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