
Revising Practice Best Answer

Decent Essays

Revising Practice #1 Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Then fill in the answer on your answer document. In the following paper Ben writes about how an act of kindness changed his outlook toward others. Read Ben’s paper and think about how he should revise it. Then answer the questions that follow. The Spark (1) They say just one spark can start a fire. (2) That may be true of a forest fire, but I had no idea that it could also be true for people until a spark touched my life. (3) With my dad out of work and three kids at home, times were tough. (4) They tried to hide how bad things were, but I was too old to be fooled. (5) I knew there were days when they didn’t know how they were going to buy groceries. (6) Then one afternoon I opened the mailbox and saw a stack of green bills sitting …show more content…

(7) Attached was a note that simply read “Pay it forward.” (8) When I brought the money inside, my whole family just sat in shock for a few minutes. (9) Then we gave thanks for the generosity of a stranger. (10) Next we talked. (11) Before long, we were thinking of all sorts of things we could do to help others. (12) Each family member decided to pay it forward in a different way. (13) My younger sister gathered books to donate to an afterschool program, and my brother mowed an elderly neighbor’s lawn. (14) Dad and I fixed another neighbor’s fence, and Mom offered to babysit for a single mother who had gone back to school to get a degree. (15) With each act of kindness, we told the story of how we had been helped, and we challenged the recipients to help someone else. (16) Within a matter of days, we started to hear stories of others who had benefited from a spark of kindness. (17) The man whose fence we fixed told us how he helped another friend clean out her garage. (18) The kids in the

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