
Return To Violent Times

Satisfactory Essays

“A Return to Violent Times?” ProQuest, 28 Mar. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. The article “A Return to Violent Times” is a popular source that was just updated recently on March 28th, but was originally published back on Christmas eve of 2014. This article is written in first person but no identification on where this it’s by a male or female. The article contains information about two subjects that I plan to incorporate in my paper to answer my research question and thesis. The two subjects are Eric Garner and Michael Brown/Ferguson. These two African-Americans were mentioned in the article because they are claimed to be “metaphors” ("A Return to Violent Times?"). The “Hands Up Don’t Shoot!” and “I can’t breathe” are the metaphors …show more content…

This article was published seven months after the murder of the seventeen year old Trayvon Martin. African American families felt like it was the right thing to do and to have “The Talk” to establish some ground rules on how to act in public without getting perceived by doing the wrong thing ("African-Amercan Parents Give "The Talk" Regarding Racial Profiling"). The article then gives several different accounts of African American families and how each family relayed their message across to their younger children. I feel as this source is very essential and reliable to my research because it teaches me that African American families are looking out for their younger children and those families don’t want the same result as what happened to Trayvon …show more content…

The supporters of this debate believes “Racial profiling reduces crime and helps police protect society” while the opponents argue “Racial profiling can also have tragic consequences and lead to the deaths of innocent people” ("Is Racial Profiling a Necessary Police Practice?"). The article proceeds by outlining both the supporters and opponents foundational beliefs on this crucial topic. I find this source very comprehensive as it provides me with a lot of great examples of previous racially profiled incidents like Trayvon Martin and others that occurred in the past. Racial profiling and the incidents that recently went on with Trayvon, Eric Garner, and the Michael Brown/Ferguson tragedies spark my interest to do further research. I also I find this source to be very reliable in helping me get a better understanding of why police officers act unethically when dealing with racially tense

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