
Restorative Justice Principles

Decent Essays

Restorative justice is based on the principle that criminal behavior injures not only the victim but also the community and the offender, and any effort to resolve these problems caused by criminal behavior should involve all of these parties. Common restorative justice initiatives are victim-offender mediation, circle sentencing, community holistic healing programs, and family group conferences. A key to all these responses to criminal behavior is to address not only the offender, but all parties involved including the victim and their families, offender's family, community citizens, and even the police officers themselves.

There are four core principles of restorative justice. Firstly the crime must violate people and relationships. Restorative justice does not only view crimes as law breaking, rather the justice views it as damaging to people, their properties, relationships, and communities. Secondly, justice aims to identify needs and obligations so that things …show more content…

It involves all of the participants including the judge, defense lawyer, prosecutor, police, victim and family, offender and family, and also the community citizens sitting and facing each other in a circle. The discussions in the circle are intended to reach an agreement on the desirable dispose of the case. The process takes in account the need to protect the community, as well as the punishment and rehabilitation of the offender. Circle sentencing is generally only available to those who plead guilty. Offenders may be sent for a period of incarceration, but other sanctions are available. These include house arrest, banishment, and community service. Circle sentencing has the potential to reacquaint individuals, families and communities with problem solving skills, rebuild relationships, promote awareness and respect, coordinate use of government resources, use and create healing resources, address needs of all parties, and focus on

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