
Responsible For Meaningfulness

Decent Essays

"I believe that I am not responsible for the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of life, but that I am responsible for what I do with the life I've got." Hermann Hesse said it well. The meaning of life has sparked debate for centuries, and it will never cease. Most everyone wants there to be significance to the life they have lived and despair at the thought that their life's decisions and acts are meaningless and will slip into oblivion at the end of their existence. In order to answer this age-old question about the meaning of life, let us first ask "How did I get here?" When a child is born, they do not ask "Where did I come from?" They are content to just simply be. They live and breathe and allow others to care for and love them. Then …show more content…

Life in a world created by a cosmic accident is completely aimless. One cannot have true meaning because there is no ultimate standard or expectation but to please one's self. No one has the authority to determine what is "right" or "wrong" or institute a standard. But no one wants to have a meaningless life either, so their lives are filled with personal goals -- wealth, self gratification, helping others -- and devote their whole life to achieving those things. But, manufacturing our own goals and desires can not give a life meaning. Not …show more content…

Only the Creator, who has a perfect understanding of why were were all created, can give each person a task to complete that will fit perfectly into the Master Plan. We were created to give Him pleasure and to cultivate a relationship with Him. "To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life." Robert Louis Stevenson encourages us expect more of ourselves. Life has meaning and satisfaction when we are living to serve others. The ideal is that we all continually seek ways to help others regardless of our own needs and desires. If we all are living unselfishly, no one will be in need or dissatisfied. Everyone will be ultimately fulfilled and content. It has been said that at the end of one's life, no one is wishing their house had been cleaner, worked more hours, had more money, or that they had a bigger television. The thing people most regret at their end of their life, or in reflection of another's passing, is that they withheld

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