
Research Paper On Police Brutality

Decent Essays

Allegations of police brutality by the U.S. police departments have been on the rise for the past two decades. The use of excessive force by police officers beyond what is considered necessary is not a new fact to the world. Many of these encounters with civilians have been unjustified because the majority ultimately ends in death. The police involve the use of weapons such as batons, Tasers, pepper spray, or guns. This may also include false arrests, psychological trauma, and verbal abuse. Some individuals will state they are just doing their job, but others argue these cases can be traced back to poor training and policies. Every police officer has the right to protect himself and the community, but they should be able to discern when to use reasonable or excessive force on the civilian depending on the situation at hand. According to “Policing in America: What the Cops Say”, people can admit in general that most police officers are decent people who risk their own lives for the community every day. When it comes to officers coming together as a group they seem to be more distrusted. The article summarizes interviews from six police officers who discuss the other side of police brutality. The first finding explained that most cops have a hard time because of social media. The media makes things worse than what they really are for ratings. When people watch the news, officers good work only gets recognized for two seconds, but when they do something bad they are

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