
Renaissance : The Renaissance

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Avi Balsam Global HW #2
The Renaissance was a time of growth in the liberal arts. It started in the Italian City states as trading brought huge profits to all the city states, especially to Venice and Genoa. Due to the profits from trading, and to the regrowth of some other industries that had been devastated by the social upheavals of the fourteenth century, the Italian city-states became extremely prosperous. The richest in Italy who were the ones benefiting from this prosperity, such as the Medicis, became great patrons of the arts, allowing art to flourish in Italy as it had never done since Greco-Roman times. Because of individualism and humanism, Renaissance art started to emphasize mathematical perspective to art which gave art an element of 3D. New thinkers with new ideas also started to emerge such as Petrarch, who promoted humanism, the belief in the power of the individual and in the revival of ancient Greco-Roman texts and beliefs. The High Renaissance

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