
Relationships In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, the main character, Janie suffers through three abusive marriages. Janie’s husbands take away her voice and equality, for their own desires. Janie learns a lot from each marriage, hopefully leaving her in a better place to make the best decision for her own well being, if she chooses to marry again. The lack of equality and freedom given to Janie in her relationships with Logan, Joe and Tea Cake helps Janie to realize her need for a happier more independent life, that may not include a man.
The poor treatment from Janie’s first husband, Logan Killicks makes Janie realize her need for a loving relationship, where she is more than just a slave to her husband. Janie’s Grandmother …show more content…

Tea Cake allowed Janie to express her voice and be who she wanted to be. When they first meet, Janie and Tea Cake begin to play a game of checkers. Tea Cake “set it up and began to show her and she found herself glowing inside. Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play” (95-96). Janie is enjoyed to finally meet a man who seems to treat her with equality. Tea Cake respects women enough to let Janie play checkers with him, equally. Janie is oblivious to the negative aspects of her marriage with Tea Cake, because she is so happy to be in a relationship where she is able to express herself. But Tea Cake is also abusive, just slightly less than Logan and Joe. Tea Cake establishes his control over Janie with physical strength. Tea Cake hits Janie multiple times. Though Janie thinks that he does this out of jealousy and love, there is never an excuse for domestic violence. From Tea Cake, Janie learns that just because a man appears to treat her right, she has to be cautious of the potential dangers in her relationships.
Throughout Janie's three marriages, she learns a lot. Each man treats her abusively, in their own ways. At the end of the story, Janie finally seems to be happy. The men in her life control her, and reject her happiness. Janie is better off waiting till she is sure she finds the right man before marrying them, or staying single.

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